Thriving Edge News

It’s Time To Thrive

“The natural state of the… human being is joy. Work and problem solving are the natural activities of the human being. We are designed to be joyful adventurers.”
~ Maren Schmidt, Author and Montessori expert

I want to help you embrace the adventure.

Thriving is a joyful adventure. It’s a journey of exploration, discovery, and integration. It’s about cultivating our natural gifts and talents and pursuing work that honors our values, connects us to others, and helps us grow.

Sign up for Thriving Edge News and join the journey.

I will never sell, rent, or trade your information. Not ever. Period!

When you sign up I’ll send you Thriving Edge News once or twice a month, and I’ll send out a note or an update from time to time, but I definitely won’t be blasting you with lots of e-mail. In fact, I’m more likely to go too long without sending a message than I am to send you too many. I don’t want to waste your time, and I sure don’t want to waste mine!

It’s all about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

My mission for Thriving Edge News is to help liberate people who are stifled by other people’s expectations and their own limiting thoughts. I love to see people break free from suffocating boxes and cubicles and step out of the ruts of their daily lives, embracing the sunshine and the fresh air of freedom and possibility. I love to see people uncover their natural gifts and talents and connect with their passions – all part of the core Self – so they can design their life and work around them.

A lot of the time that kind of creative, authentic, self-directed work leads to self-employment or a custom-designed career. In Thriving Edge News I occasionally write about this path, from self-discovery to designing your worklife around your core Self to starting and growing a small business or creating a custom career.

Thriving is about defining your philosophy of life, designing your life and work to align with that philosophy, and then creating the world you design. Doing this work you define and develop the character you aspire to have.

Shared with others, in families, teams, groups, or larger communities, Thriving is about defining a shared philosophy of life that guides people on the best ways to participate, collaborate, and support one another. People jointly can design the community they want within their families, teams, or large groups. And together they can create that community. Doing this works defines and develops the culture people jointly aspire to have in their community.

Are you interested in learning about the journey of self-discovery that leads to embracing the responsibility of personal freedom through self-leadership? Are you interested in learning how to promote a culture of Thriving in families, teams, or groups that benefits you and those around you? Sign up!

Remember – I will never sell, rent, or trade your information.
Not ever. Period!