Thanks, Dr. Judy, for pointing us to this video.
Be sure to strap your a$$ on pretty good, because you might laugh it off otherwise.
Thanks, Dr. Judy, for pointing us to this video.
Be sure to strap your a$$ on pretty good, because you might laugh it off otherwise.
I got the link to this video from my friend andsmall business coach Janet Slack. She posted it on Facebook.
It shows an elaborate Rube Goldberg machine, one of those things where a single action sets in motion the next action and so on, and they involve levers and rolling balls and often dominoes. This one is spectacularly choreographed so it’s a blast as a piece of staging, as an artistic composition, and as a little piece of film.
Demonstrates how massive projects can be broken down to one step at a time, because that’s how the machine progresses. Shows the focus of purpose and intention and the creative power of playfulness. Enjoy!