What To Expect When You Contact Thriving Edge
Thriving Edge is a professional coaching and training practice run by Stephen Coxsey. There are no employees and no part-time office staff. When you contact Thriving Edge, you are directly contacting Steve.
Steve works from a home office and has variable hours during the day based on coaching appointments, training classes (including training other coaches), and meetings. Evenings and weekends are generally reserved for family time and Steve’s personal time. Occasionally a preview call or a single consultation session can be scheduled during the evening or on a weekend, but ongoing appointments cannot be set up then.
When you contact Thriving Edge, Steve will treat you with kindness and respect. He is genuinely interested in how he can help people so he will be eager to find out what he is able to do for you, whether that’s working directly with you, referring you to someone else, or pointing you to some resources.
If you reach voice mail when you call, please leave a message, send an email, or both. Email is the quickest way to get a response and is helpful for planning time for a phone conversation without playing phone tag.
To contact Thriving Edge:
E-mail Steve Coxsey: Steve@ThrivingEdge.com
Call or Text: 817.416.8971
Send physical mail to:
Thriving Edge
2757 Ridgecrest Dr.
Southlake, TX 76092
Feel free to call, text, or e-mail if you’re just looking for resources or a suggestion or two. Steve will point you in the right direction if he can.
Click here to schedule a complimentary coaching session if you don’t need to ask any questions beforehand.